DIAGNOSTICA STAGO manages and controls this website from its offices located at 3, allée Thérésa, 92600 Asnières sur Seine Cedex (France).
The purpose of these terms and conditions of use is to define the manner in which DIAGNOSTICA STAGO makes its website available to web users, and the conditions under which web users may access and use this website.
This site has been designed to provide general information concerning DIAGNOSTICA STAGO. The communicated information is provided for information only and is not binding on DIAGNOSTICA STAGO in any manner whatsoever.
Any connection to DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website shall be subject to compliance with these terms and conditions of use, which DIAGNOSTICA STAGO reserves the right to amend or update at any time.
By accessing or using this site, you agree to these terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree with the clauses set out below, we advise you not to use this site.
Access to the service is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event which is beyond the control of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO, and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance work required for the proper functioning of the service and equipment.
DIAGNOSTICA STAGO hereby grants to the web user the right, which the web user hereby accepts, to connect one or more workstations to this website. Access to the service shall be made from the web user’s microcomputer(s) connected to a telecommunications network permitting access to DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website. The communication protocols used are those commonly used on the internet. The rights of access to and use of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website are non-exclusive and non-transferable.
The content of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website (including but not limited to data, information, illustrations, logos, brands and trademarks, etc.) is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any copy, reproduction or dissemination of all or part of the content of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website, by any process whatsoever, is illegal except for a single copy on a single computer reserved solely for the private use of the person making that copy. Any other reproduction must obtain DIAGNOSTICA STAGO's prior written approval.
The items presented on this site may be modified and/or deleted without notice and are provided without any express or implied warranty of any sort, and do not provide entitlement to any damages or compensation whatsoever.
The user of this site shall be responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any virus circulating on the internet.
The information and images contained on this website are protected by the provisions related to copyrights contained in the French Intellectual Property Code. Logos are also protected by the provisions contained in the French Intellectual Property Code.
None of the documents from this website may be copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any manner whatsoever, except under the following conditions:
You may download one copy of the documents onto a microcomputer for your personal use for non-commercial purposes, provided that you respect copyright provisions as detailed in the French Intellectual Property Code. Any changes to these documents or their use for any other purpose shall constitute an infringement of copyrights owned by DIAGNOSTICA STAGO. In the event of use of this website, you are prohibited from using these documents on another website or in a networked computing environment.
If you decide to proceed with any downloads from this site, DIAGNOSTICA STAGO grants you a non-exclusive right of use of the Software (including the files, images integrated therein, and accompanying data). DIAGNOSTICA STAGO does not grant you any proprietary rights over the Software and the elements which accompany it. You possess the medium on which the Software is recorded, but DIAGNOSTICA STAGO retains full ownership of it and all intellectual property rights pertaining thereto. You are prohibited from redistributing, selling, decompiling, dismantling, disassembling or reducing the Software in any manner whatsoever in a usable form.
In order to correspond with DIAGNOSTICA STAGO by electronic mail, web users must fill in the electronic correspondence forms proposed on DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s website. The responses made by DIAGNOSTICA STAGO to electronic mail cannot be likened to and do not constitute proof of the exercise of any advertising, promotional or commercial activity in the country to which these responses are sent.
The documents and information disseminated on this site are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any nature whatsoever. DIAGNOSTICA STAGO reserves the right to modify, delete or correct the content of this site at any time, without notice.
DIAGNOSTICA STAGO cannot be held liable in the event of contamination of the web user’s computer hardware as the consequence of propagation of a virus or other computer infections.
Except in the event of gross negligence or wilful breach, DIAGNOSTICA STAGO, its employees, its suppliers, or third parties referred to on this site, may not under any circumstances be held liable, whether under an action for contractual liability, action in tort, or any other action, for any damage whether direct or indirect, consequential or incidental, or of any other nature whatsoever, or any loss, including financial or commercial loss, arising from the use of this site or any information obtained from this site.
DIAGNOSTICA STAGO disclaims all liability concerning the information, materials or software contained on sites which are linked to DIAGNOSTICA STAGO’s site by way of hypertext links.
DIAGNOSTICA STAGO hereby informs you that by connecting to this site, personal data may be collected, conserved and used. In accordance with Articles 39 et seq. of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, concerning computing, databases and civil liberties, you have a right of access to and modification, correction and deletion of data concerning you. To exercise this right, please use the options provided to you on the site or contact the site administrator at the following address: webmaster@stago.com.
The personal data collected at the time of your connection to the site may arise in particular from the recording of your IP address, requests for information via the form provided for that purpose, or any other information that you communicate on the DIAGNOSTICA STAGO site. These data shall be used solely for the purposes for which they were sent and collected, unless specified otherwise at the time such data are collected. These data will be used by DIAGNOSTICA STAGO and can be sent to distributors and clients of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO only.
Publisher of the Site: DIAGNOSTICA STAGO S.A.S
société par actions simplifiée (simplified form limited company) with a registered capital of 7,509,445 euros
Registered offices: 3 allée Thérésa - 92600 Asnières sur Seine - France
Trade registry: RCS Nanterre B 305 151 409
Tel: +33 (0)1 46 88 20 20
E-mail address: webmaster@stago.com
Webmaster: Elodie Paillet
Editorial manager: Pascal Boulanger
Hosting: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 31 Place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, Esplanade Nord, 92400 Courbevoie - Foreign commercial company registered in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS).
Tel: +33 (0)1 46 17 10 00
Any dispute arising with respect to these terms and conditions of use shall be brought before the courts in the judicial district in which the registered offices of DIAGNOSTICA STAGO are located, and shall be governed by French law independently of conflict of laws rules. By using this site you give your express agreement to the application of this jurisdiction clause.
In the event that any of the provisions of these terms and conditions of use should be held to be unlawful, null and void or inapplicable for any reason whatsoever, it shall be deemed not to form part of these terms and conditions of use and shall not affect the validity or the application of the other provisions.
Last amended on: 02/07/24