Emoliz Line

Emoliz Brand

Emoliz product line was officially launched in October 2015 in China.
It is a new product line for medium and low volume sample laboratory of Stago group. This new line includes two automatic coagulation analysers: Emo Express and Emo Smart, one semi-automatic coagulation analyser: Emo step 4, and relevant reagents and disposables. Simple design and reliable result help the laboratory effectively meet the needs of clinical.


Emo Express is an automated random access multi-purpose coagulation analyser, which can be used in medium volume laboratories. It can be used for the detection of fibrin formation utilizing either mechanical principles (ball method) or photo-optical principles and may also be used for chromogenic kinetic enzyme analysis and micro particle agglutination assays.

Emo Smart system has been designed to perform in vitro tests for diagnosis and monitoring of haemostasis conditions. It is an automated laboratory coagulation analyser and is used for low-volume laboratories or emergency laboratories. This analyser can perform clotting tests (clotting time measurements) as well as photometric tests - colorimetry (optic density measurement) and immunology (microlatex method) - using plasma samples.

Emo Step 4 is a semi-automated mechanical clot detection system designed for the determination of prothrombin times (PT), activated partial thromboplastin times (APTT), fibrinogen concentrations and other clotting tests. Any clotting time test that has fibrin formation as its endpoint may be performed on the Emo Step 4. Measurement can be qualitative or quantitative.

More information on Opens external link in current windowwww.stago-emoliz.com